AA 501 Physical Gasdynamics I
Equilibrium kinetic theory; chemical thermodynamics; thermodynamic properties derived from quantum statistical mechanics; reacting gas mixtures; applications to real gas flows and gas dynamics.
materials; and examples/solutions for solid/fluid materials.
Offered: Autumn (even years)
AA 503 / ME 503 Continuum Mechanics
Reviews concepts of motion, stress, energy for a general continuum; conservation of mass, momentum, and energy; and the second law; constitutive equations for linear/nonlinear elastic, viscous/inviscid fluids, and general
materials; and examples/solutions for solid/fluid materials.
Offered: Autumn
Instructor: D. Dabiri, K, Holsapple, E. Fried (ME)
AA 507 / ME 507 Fluid Mechanics
Covers inviscid and viscous imcompressible flows, exact solutions of laminar flows, creeping flows, boundary layers, free-shear flows, vorticity equation, and introduction to vortex dynamics.
Offered: Winter (odd years)
AMATH 505 / ATMS 505 / OCEAN 511 Introduction to Fluid Dynamics (4)
Eulerian equations for mass-motion; Navier-Stokes equation for viscous fluids, Cartesion tensors, stress-strain relations; Kelvin’ s theorem, vortex dynamics; potential flows, flows with high-low Reynolds numbers; boundary layers, introduction to singular perturbation techniques; water waves; linear instability theory. Prerequisite: AMATH 403 or permission of instructor. Offered: A; odd years.
M E 534 Fluid Mechanics II (3)
Review of basic principles, some exact solutions and their interpretation, waves (water waves, sound waves, shock waves), boundary layers, jets and wakes, flow stability, turbulence, applications. Prerequisite: M E 533 or permission of instructor. Offered: W.
M E 537 Topics in Fluid Mechanics (3)
Selected fluid mechanics relevant to current advances in research and application. Topics selected vary with faculty and student interest, but have included flow stability, special topics in turbulence, and turbulent reacting flows. Offered: by request only.